November 12, 2007


    My guess is that it has a great deal to do with the difference with countries where there is a greater degree of Christian residue, and also with the difference between the degree of statism or socialism (government reliance) in countries. Look up the statistics sometime on the difference between the rates of charity giving in Democrats vs Republicans, blue states vs red states. Political liberals of the modern stripe who holler about how apathetic conservatives are toward the poor, etc. themselves give FAR less than conservatives. Some of the very poorest but politically conservative states in our Union, like Mississippi, have far higher rates of charitable donation than some of the richest and most liberal states like Massachussetts.

    I think all that suggests a possible answer to why Americans are willing to donate more for a Radiohead album than Europeans. They have lost more of the sense of individual responsibility and are far more willing to just take what they can get without a corresponding willingness to see the responsibility they owe to the source of the blessings they receive.

Comments (1)

  • Liberal by definition 6a (American Heritage -2nd Ed.) is one who tends to give freely; generous, but by the above examples a more apropos def. would be 8b, one who is morally unrestrained, unaccountable.  It seems what we see is a complete and unethical lack of personal and corporate responsibility while claiming just the opposite.  Thanks for the post! 

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