July 3, 2007


    ""Here we are, just one species on the earth, and we're grabbing a quarter of the renewable resources … we're probably being a bit greedy." He's talking about SOLAR ENERGY. And just think: some university somewhere gave him a degree.


    In all seriousness, these people are leaving something so huge and obvious out of the picture that it boggles the mind. Did they practice being this stupid or does it just come naturally? Look: humans are using all this solar energy captured in plant material but we are doing so to be PRODUCTIVE with it. We may use way more than the animals do, but we're being immeasurably more productive with the stuff we use than the animals are with their share. We're not just cutting down plant matter (trees, crops, etc.) and letting it rot, we're FEEDING millions of people with the crops, BUILDING things with the trees, and we re-plant them after we cut them down. Or can, anyway -- if we're cutting down too much plant material (pardon me while I roll my eyes vigorously) the solution is not the stop doing it, but to replant. The solution to environmental problems is not to leave the environment alone, but to do better at how we use it.

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